This is an existential question that everyone has always asked. In fact, contrary to the claims of the Watchtower, it is not because
of original sin in the garden of Eden, because Eden, Adam, Eve, the talking snake and the forbidden fruit never existed. It's
rather mainly because of the second law of thermodynamics called entropy. What is entropy? Here is a definition : "A measure of the
degree of disorder of a system at a microscopic level". Highly ordered things (who have a low entropy) such as living beings tend
to decay over time, die and become dust (high entropy), because entropy always increases. Why is that? Because it is overwhelmingly
more likely that it will. That principle also applies to non-living things such as a house or a car. These will also decay over time
and become dust, although none of them committed the "original sin".
Here is a video that explains it simply, from the series "Wonders of the universe" with professor Brian Cox :
Canada :