L'athéisme d'État - Pourquoi est-il nécessaire?
2019. Par Jean-Philippe Cossette.
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State Atheism - Why Is It Necessary? 2019. By Jean-Philippe Cossette. (French only).
Free in digital format! You can distribute that book for free to others.
-Version papier et Kindle: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1704788528
Crise de conscience par Raymond Franz.
Un ancien membre du Collège central des Témoins de Jéhovah propose un aperçu inédit de
la structure autoritaire de cette religion.
Ce livre devait être republié éventuellement en français par Deborah Dykstra, mais rien ne se passe. Vous pouvez retrouver une version numérique en cherchant sur internet.
Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz.
A former member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses gives a unique
insight into the authority structure of that religion.
This book has been republished by Deborah Dykstra.
In search of christian freedom by Raymond Franz.
Freedom is crucial to genuine Christianity. How erosion of Christian freedom
began in the early centuries, how it can and does occur today, and the means for resisting the invasion of personal conscience and
thought; a sequel to Crisis of Conscience.
This book was supposed to be republished eventually by Deborah Dykstra, but nothing
is happening. You can find a digital version by searching on the internet.
À la recherche de la liberté chrétienne par Raymond Franz.
La liberté est une qualité cruciale pour le christianisme
authentique. Comment l’érosion de cette liberté chrétienne a-t-elle commencé aux premiers siècles de notre ère, comment est elle encore
possible de nos jours, quels sont les moyens que nous avons pour résister à toute invasion de la conscience et la pensée personnelle
? Ceci est le trame de la suite du livre Crise de Conscience.
Ce livre devait être republié éventuellement en français par Deborah Dykstra, mais rien ne se passe. Vous pouvez retrouver une version numérique en cherchant sur internet.
Les Témoins de Jéhovah, entrée facile, sortie difficile par René Roy. Grauit en format numérique:
Science, evolution and creationism 2008. English. PDF format free.
Si des Témoins de Jéhovah viennent vous voir, par Nicolas Hesse et Jean-François Blanchet.
Out of the cocoon, by Brenda Lee, ex-Jehovah's Witness.
Secrets of Pedophilia in an American Religion, by Barbara Anderson. CD.
The "Gentile Times" Reconsidered, by Carl Olof Jonsson.
The idea that the "Gentile Times" referred to at Luke 21:24 form a period of 2,520 years has led to speculation and disappointment among many who expected Christ's return during the past two centuries. How did this belief originate and develop? What do the historical and Biblical facts show?
Les «Temps des Gentils» Reconsidérés, par Carl Olof Jonsson.
L'idée selon laquelle les «temps des Gentils» ou «temps des
nations» mentionnés en Luc 21:24 correspondent à une période de 2520 ans a conduit sur le chemin de la spéculation et de la désillusion
beaucoup de ceux qui espéraient voir le retour du Christ au cours des deux derniers siècles. Quelle est l'origine de cette croyance
et comment s'est-elle développée? Que montrent
Wolves Among Sheep: The True Story of Murder in a Jehovah's Witness Community, by James Kostelniuk.
Jésus était schizophrène(2006), par Jean-Philippe Cossette. Gratuit! Vous pouvez distribuer ce livre gratuitement à d'autres.
-Version papier sur https://www.amazon.ca
-Version audio en mp3 : http://www.bibliboom.com/pages/titres/jesus-etait-schizophrene.html
Les Témoins de Jéhovah, théocratie apocalyptique, par Dominique Dott.
Présentation : Cette étude sérieuse et argumentée nous fait pénétrer dans le monde méconnu des célèbres Témoins de Jéhovah. L'analyse s'appuie sur le vécu de l'auteur, sur les trois rapports parlementaires et ceux de la Mission interministérielle consacrés aux dérives sectaires ainsi que sur le travail de spécialistes de la question. Le processus de l'embrigadement, l'atmosphère qui entoure l'adepte, les mécanismes et paramètres qui concourent à sa conviction et qui le maintiennent dans le mouvement sont finement décrits.
Aliénation et prise de conscience, par Jean-Pierre Coquand.
Sorti volontairement de l'association «Les Témoins de Jéhovah».
Pour commander : jeanpierre.coquand@gmail.com
The Armageddon Project, by Larry S Gray and Michael J Hart. Tales from the Kingdom Hall.
This is a provocative and highly disturbing work of non-fiction featuring brainwashing and isolationism, sex and demons, blood and fear, Bible prophecy, mankind’s impending demise and the forbidden fruit...A detailed journey through the inner sanctum of a prominent religious organization as told by two people who were there.
Captives of a Concept, by Don Cameron.
Captives of a Concept identifies both the concept and the mistake that causes people
to become captives of it. The book also offers a few suggestions about how to help Jehovah's Witnesses correct their mistake
and teach themselves the truth about their religion.
The book is designed to help the reader understand the illusionary
concept mentioned by Raymond Franz on page 296 of his Crisis of Conscience, which holds Jehovah's Witnesses (and even their Governing
Body) captive by dominating and controlling how they think and act.
The God Delusion. By Richard Dawkins (2006).
In The God Delusion, Dawkins contends that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that belief in a personal god qualifies as a delusion, which he defines as a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence. He is sympathetic to Robert Pirsig's statement in Lila that "when one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion."
Pour en finir avec Dieu. Par Richard Dawkins (2006).
Dans Pour en finir avec Dieu, Dawkins soutient qu'un créateur surnaturel n'existe probablement pas et qualifie cette croyance en un dieu personnifié de délire qu'il définit comme une croyance fausse et persistante se maintenant face aux preuves qui la contredisent. Il reprend l'assertion de Robert M. Pirsig disant que «quand une personne souffre de délire, on appelle cela de la folie. Quand un grand nombre de personnes souffre de délire, on appelle cela une religion».
The Liberated Heart, by Valerie Acuff (2011).
What sets this book apart from the many books on cults and controlling relationships, is the focus on the heart of the individual caught up in the control of others and the steps needed to rebuild life once the person has the courage to leave. The author lived for 24 years inside the Watchtower as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Her story is not unique, but her ability to rebuild her life and move into relationships of the heart instead of rules to obey is an encouragement to everyone who is either in a similar situation or who knows someone who is. Practical help is given to the person who has the courage to leave any controlling situation to take back authority over their life and to make that life one of purpose and fulfilment.
Je n'ai pas choisi d'être homosexuel, je suis juste chanceux ! 2012-2013. Frédéric Bellec.
À travers cet ouvrage à la fois intimiste et dérangeant, à mi-chemin entre biographie sans fausse pudeur et investigation rigoureuse, Frédéric Bellec nous emmène à la découverte d'un vital équilibre entre foi et raison, à la reconquête de la dignité humaine et des valeurs humanistes et spirituelles que les mouvements fondamentalistes ont asservies et dépouillées. Un témoignage sans concession où tous les croyants homosexuels, pas seulement Témoins de Jéhovah, pourront se retrouver et en ressortir grandis.
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Third Reich: Sectarian Politics under Persecution, 2004. M. James Penton.
Since the end of World War II, leaders of the Jehovah's Witness movement in both Germany and elsewhere have steadfastly argued that Witnesses were united in their opposition to Nazism and did not collude with the Third Reich. Documents have been uncovered, however, that prove otherwise. Using materials from Witness archives, the U.S. State Department, Nazi files, and other sources, M. James Penton demonstrates that while many ordinary German Witnesses were brave in their opposition to Nazism, their leaders were quite prepared to support the Hitler government.
Apocalypse delayed. The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. Second edition(1997). M. James Penton.
The author, a professor of religious history, provides a comprehensive historical study of the movement of Jehovah’s Witnesses from its beginning up to recent times. Noteworthy for its wealth of detail and its careful documentation.
Témoins de Jéhovah, les victimes parlent. Charline Delporte. (1998).
A travers le récit de leur expérience nous pénétrons dans cet univers méconnu, nous en nous découvrons les rouages, la hiérarchie et les méthodes. Certains, grâce au soutien de proches ou d'associations, ont réussi à sortir et à résister à la pression jéhoviste : ils racontent ce qu'ils ont enduré et le long réapprentissage de la vie au milieu des leurs. Ouvrage de prévention, il s'adresse à ceux et celles qui, personnellement ou par l'intermédiaire d'un proche, pourraient être tentés d'adhérer par manque d'informations aux Témoins de Jéhovah. Ce livre sera utile aux magistrats, aux avocats, aux professeurs, aux travailleurs sociaux qui aident ces victimes.
L'Enfer au Paradis : 23 ans chez les témoins de Jéhovah. Michèle Bastin. (2009).
Après avoir passé 23 ans chez les Témoins de Jéhovah, l'auteur nous livre un témoignage bouleversant, cruel de vérité et de réalisme, sur son quotidien au sein de cette communauté. Pourquoi devient-on Témoin de Jéhovah Qui sont-ils exactement Comment agissent-ils Avec Michèle Bastin, nous entrons dans cet univers inconnu et terrifiant fait de préceptes et d'interdits.
Growing Up In Mama's Club - A Childhood Perspective of Jehovah's Witnesses. Richard E. Kelly. (2008).
This book is a memoir that vividly describes what can happen when a child is forced to adhere to a religious ideology that he or she is unable to comprehend or believe. But his ultimate triumph over religious indoctrination should be inspirational for people of all ages, especially for those who grew up in an emotionally abusive environment.
I, Witness: The Shocking Insider's Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. Daniel Clark. (2007).
JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES: THE ONE TRUE FAITH, OR CULT? Disillusioned with church teachings, he decided to leave the faith but had to find the strength to throw off the teachings programmed into him since birth and rebuild his life.
The Gap in the Jehovah's Witness Religion And How to Recover. Tracy Ringsdorf. (2005).
Tracy Ringsdorf compassionately uses her experiences as a former Jehovah's Witness to provide hope and insight for others struggling with the religion. The book provides case studies of 24 other individuals who courageously shared their painful experiences in leaving the religion.
Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape from the Watchtower Society. Diane Wilson. (2002).
Wilson contends that membership in the Jehovah’s Witnesses demands obedience bordering on psychological enslavement and complete suppression of individuality—yet prohibits the questioning of the teachings of the Watchtower Society.
The Spanking Room: A Child's Eye View of the Jehovah Witnesses. William Coburn. (2008).
The Spanking Room is the true story of a young boy's upbringing, and how the unorthodox doctrines of the Watchtower Society encourage violence against its most helpless members--the children.
The Truth Book: Escaping a Childhood of Abuse Among Jehovah's Witnesses. Joy Castro. (2005).
Joy is 12 years old when her divorced mother marries a brother in the church. He is highly respected in the community, having displayed the ultimate sign of spiritual devotion: he served at Bethel, the Watchtower headquarters in Brooklyn. At home, however, he is a despicable brute.
Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave: The Confessions of a Converted Jehovah's Witness. William J. Schnell. (2002).
This book is Schnell¹s fascinating account of his involvement with the cult, which effectively enticed him in the 1920s and continues to lure countless individuals today. Readers will learn, as Schnell did, that the Jehovah¹s Witness religion he had joined was anything but innocent.
I Was Raised a Jehovah's Witness. Joe Hewitt. (1997).
(Revised and updated) Hewitt's fascinating account of growing up in the Jehovah's Witness cult has been revised to reflect recent developments. More than 40,000 copies in print.
Combatting Cult Mind Control : The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults. Steven Hassan. (1990).
Learn how to protect yourself and your family from the very real threat of deceptive recruitment tactics and destructive mind control techniques used by thousands of organizations.
Jehovah's Witnesses: Their Claims, Doctrinal Changes, and Prophetic Speculation. What Does the Record Show? Edmond C. Gruss. (2001).
Jehovah's Witnesses by Professor Edmond Gruss is one of the best documented and most devastating critiques of the Watchtower ever written. It contains thousands of quotes from official Watchtower sources that prove the Watchtower over and over has made scores of totally false predictions.
Blood on the Altar: Confessions of a Jehovah's Witness Minister. David A. Reed. (1996).
'More kids are dying right now in obedience to the Jehovah's Witness ban on blood transfusions than perished in the fire at Waco, Texas', says former Witness elder David A Reed.
The Grand Design, by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow. (2010).
The book argues that invoking God is not necessary to explain the origins of the universe, and that the Big Bang is a consequence of the laws of physics alone. In response to criticism, Hawking has said; "One can't prove that God doesn't exist, but science makes God unnecessary."
Y a-t-il un grand architecte dans l'univers ? par Stephen Hawking et Leonard Mlodinow. (2010).
Le livre soutient qu'invoquer Dieu n'est pas nécessaire pour expliquer les origines de l'univers et que le Big Bang est une conséquence des lois de la physique seulement. En réponse aux critiques, Hawking a dit: «On ne peut pas prouver que Dieu n'existe pas, mais la science rend Dieu inutile."
Témoins de Jehovah, une Nouvelle Perspective par Christian Piette. (2003).
Ce livre bien documenté nous entraîne dans une étude approfondie des doctrines des Témoins de Jéhovah, en parlant directement de leurs publications et en les confrontant à la Bible.
Les Témoins de Jéhovah. Analyse psychosociale. Vivien Perrec. (2012).
L'organisation des Témoins de Jéhovah offre un exemple intéressant des méthodes de conditionnement qui permettent à une structure sociale d'exercer une emprise totalisante sur ses membres. Vivien Perrec a été élevé depuis sa naissance selon les préceptes des Témoins de Jéhovah, qui ont servi de base à son éducation jusqu'à ce qu'il s'affranchisse de cette idéologie vers l'âge de 25 ans. Il livre ici une analyse murement réfléchie de cette organisation, avec les outils des sciences sociales et de son expérience personnelle.
Emprise et manipulation ; peut-on guérir des sectes ? Jean-Claude Maes. (2010).
Le phénomène sectaire est habituellement décrit comme l'emprise d'un gourou sur un adepte. Mais l'expérience de terrain démontre que cette approche est insuffisante. On ne peut étudier les phénomènes d'emprise sans tenir compte du contexte global dans lequel évolue la victime et des relations qu'elle entretient avec son entourage.
The blind watchmaker. Richard Dawkins. (1986).
Why the evidence of evolution reveals a universe without design.
L'horloger aveugle. Richard Dawkins. (1986).
Pourquoi la preuve de l'évolution révèle un univers sans conception.
Attack of the theocrats! Sean Faircloth. Foreword Richard Dawkins. (2012).
How the religious right harms us all—and what we can do about it.
Journey to God's House. Brock Talon. (2013).
An inside story of life at the World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in the 1980s.
Réveillez-moi! : une enfance chez les Témoins de Jehovah. Jean-sébastien lozeau. (2013).
Réalisateur associé aux émissions Star Académie et Le banquier de TVA, Jean Sébastien Lozeau publie son premier livre. L'auteur, qui a quitté les Témoins de Jéhovah depuis un moment, y raconte son «enfance volée», se servant du livre pour revoir les pans importants de sa vie, exercice qui lui sert de quête identitaire.
I WEPT BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON (A Prisoner of Conscience in a Time of War). By Terry Walstrom. (2013).
How does it happen? How does a non-religious person become drawn in to a fundamentalist religion? What would cause a young man to choose prison instead of military induction? This is a gripping and often humorous cautionary tale. It takes us on a journey into Jehovah's Witnesses, F.B.I. questioning, Draft Board interviews, Jail and Federal Prison. Step by step, author Terry Walstrom tells a well-written story never before told.
“Jehovah’s Witnesses-The Good... The Bad… The Deceptive… And Worse! AN EXPOSE´” by Jim Staelens. (2013).
God is not Great : how religion poisons everything, by Christopher Hitchens. (2007).
Dieu n'est pas grand : comment la religon empoisonne tout, par Christopher Hitchens. (2007).
The greatest show on earth : the evidence for evolution, by Richard Dawkins. (2009).
Le plus grand spectacle du monde : la preuve de l'évolution, par Richard Dawkins. (2009).
A universe from nothing : why there is something rather than nothing, by Lawrence M. Krauss. (2012).
God: The Failed Hypothesis. How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist, by Victor J. Stenger. (2008).
Inside/Outside: One Woman's Recovery from Abuse and a Religious Cult, by Jenny Hayworth. (2014).
Judgment Day Must Wait: Jehovah's Witnesses- A Sect Between Idealism and Deceit, by Poul Bregninge. (2013).
Fear of the apocalypse
that never comes! It is what holds a Jehovah's Witness power-bound by the Watch Tower Society in
Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation, by Bill Nye. (2014).
Why There Is No God: Simple Responses to 20 Common Arguments for the Existence of God, by Armin Navabi. (2014).
Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk, by Tony DuShane. (2010).
Gabe is a teenage Jehovah's Witness convinced God will kill
him at Armageddon for masturbating. There's also Gabe's mom, who sleeps sixteen hours a day, and his dad, an elder who decides the
fate of sinners (like the married couple who confesses to accidentally having anal sex). There's Brother Miller, an elder with a Napoleon
complex, who accompanies Gabe from door to door, encouraging him to knock with confidence, and Sister Feeney, who looks forward to
the day she can move into a Spanish-style house after its owner dies at the end of the world. Luckily for Gabe, there is Uncle Jeff,
who used to tour with Santana and now gives Gabe the only valuable girl advice he ever receives. It's hard when school days are spent
dodging questions about your weird religion and weekends mean preaching house to house
Les Témoins de Jéhovah-les dessous de l'histoire, par Pierre Oddon. (2015). Gratuit en PDF. Cliquez.
Autres formats :
Exiting the JW Cult : a healing handbook for current & former Jehovah's Witnesses, by Bonnie Zieman. (2015).
Histoire insolite et secrète des Témoins de Jéhovah, par Alexandre Cauchois. (2015).
Les sectes : Guide pour aider les victimes, par Yves Casgrain. (1996).
How to Defeat Religion in 10 Easy Steps: A Toolkit for Secular Activists, by Ryan T. Cragun. (2015).
PÉDOPHILIE: poursuite contre la Watchtower au Canada. Québec : https://quebecjwclassaction.mccarthy.ca/, Canada :
Jesus was schizophrenic 2006 (English version 2021). By Jean-Philippe Cossette. Free! You can distribute this book to others freely.
-Paper version on https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B095MM741D
Audio version in mp3 (French):