Do you want to serve the Watchtower?
The Jehovah’s Witnesses cult is asking you to serve it claiming it is the only organization that « god » approves. It is asking you to sacrifice your life in this world and spend most of your time to serve it by going door to door as a proclaimer, a pioneer or a missionary. It also offers the opportunity to serve in its headquarters called Bethels, printing facilities, farms and other activities. No one is paid for such work; some will receive a small allowance to purchase for example, their own hygiene products. The cult makes you believe that it is unwise to pursue a career in the “outside world” or to start a business which would leave you little time to serve the organization and it is making you believe that the end of the world is imminent. So, you implicitly believe that you probably won’t reach retirement, because the end and paradise are coming soon.
But is it true?
The Jehovah’s Witnesses cult exists since the late 1800s and has always been announcing the imminent end of the world and it has announced specific dates a few times. But the end never comes. Imagine all the Jehovah’s Witnesses since then who have dedicated their lives serving the cult thinking they would not have to retire. Have they contributed to a pension plan private or public? Few have done it! Imagine that you have served the cult all your life without being paid for it and that you get to retirement with non pension plan or almost nothing. You will live in extreme poverty. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society will not give you a penny for your old age, rest assured.
So, is it wise to serve the Watchtower? Surely not! So before you join that cult, think twice.